i took a slow train to florence by myself a week ago and it was a pretty good decision. i left termini at three and pulled into santa maria nuvona at seven. en route i had my first attempt at a conversation with someone who couldnt bail me out if i didnt know the word in italian.
i drew a picture of a cat for the girl sitting across from me with the note per la regazza con scarpe porpora. if i didnt mess it up it should have said for the girl with purple shoes.

we talked about her major and where she was from and what i was doing in rome and all the tiny things i could manage to fumble with in barely remembered phrasing.
i met willy and ryan in florence where they are studying and we ate dinner and talked about school and things like that and ate the first of three tortellini dinners that made a delicious weekend.

we read on the arno river and i shattered a clam shell. i wrote letters to willys girl roommates telling them i was in love with them and me and ryan sat inside a park talking people. we all went to the market on sunday and i wandered half-blind through the stands with infected eyes and i had just sat on my sunglasses. a man sliced up some meat for a sandwich that turned out to be all fat, i bought a pack of twenty vintage photos of hamburg.

and there was the secret bakery that everyone knew about. the pastry was so-so. willy yelled at me in the middle of the night for eating cookies, i guess it kept him up. i traveled back across the country with the shade pulled on the window of the train.
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