Four new projects on my
website and I am calling it done. No more working on it, I forbid it. Next step is to line up interviews and find a place for Willy and Myself to live for relatively cheap. emphasis on relative. Willy is interning at J Crew at Astor Place in Manhattan (pretty sure of the location) which he seems to be enjoying. My friends Dylan and Derek moved in together (Platonic) recently, Derek i believe is taking an internship with
Method and Dylan is freelancing and helping put together the music magazine
Self Titled. Oh and Lydia is working at
Graham (cracker) Hanson design. I feel like a slob.

This is a poster i designed and send to the people who run the Brooklyn Pool Parties. They liked the poster but already had one (which i knew) and had two staff designers (which i did not know.)

This is a sort of harassment poster in the works i think. well i am off to have lots and lots of fun.