summer finally decided to show up. like anybody trying to be fashionably late, it made its absence felt before being obnoxious and overbearing. hot hot sun, sweaty ice-creamy people. i bought a five dollar shake yesterday. In pulp fiction, vincent vega cannot believe there is such a thing as a five dollar shake, but there is. and its cherryberry tastee d-lite.
this is faye and sam. they are awesome and we got ice cream and then pizza and then did a puzzle. and met some friends at washington park in brooklyn to fly a kite.

and in an oh-so-careful way i will now show you where i work, being very cautious not to put in too much information, lest there be stalkers and murderers who enjoy my blog entries. However, if you do want to stalk me, it would take a minuscule amount of searching to figure out my home address, work address, email, phone number, natural haircolor, and employment history.
but first i would like to list things i enjoy about new york. puppies. they are everywhere and they are adorable. subway performers, adding soundtrack to my commute is dandy and you have my full support (but i probably will hang on to my change). Being a full-blown adult in a city (world) that caters to the 21 and ups with fervor. skylines make sunsets more interesting but it sucks trying to see the setting sun when lower east manhattan is towering all around ya. i love pizza. lots of it. big pizza slices from curt employees who arent amused when you somehow mess up the simple process of saying 'one slice please.'
oh yeah, i went to a barbecue in queens today with my brother and his girlfriend and met a couple cool people. we talked about important things, like being prepared to choose a gender if your baby is born with both male and female parts. i wrote down my designer info for someone, it was like a business card but with more elements one might attribute to a letter from a small child. it was a good day, my bro is ok by me.

you can't really argue with the first door but the second one is kind of disheartening. knowing theres someone out there hailing satan and scribbling his name on doors is kind of sad in a way. i wonder if he's trying to get closer to satan by doing this, forming a personal relationship and all. i wonder if satan knows that the man is trying to get in touch with him. i wonder if satan would be interested in getting to know the scribbler, maybe playing scrabble or something with him. i wonder if satan already has a solid group of friends or if hes actually a lonely dude. they could be just a couple of lonely dudes together. it would be beautiful. kind of like a movie.
I've got it! it would be called 'Sympathy for the Devil!'
I'm just too good sometimes.

Well, i guess if you like warehouses.

A) i cant cut straight lines
B) i cant measure all that well and
C) i really cant seem to make anything pretty.
oh well, ill stick to the ugly stuff and keep on keepin on.
speaking of work. i have to hop on a train in three hours and head into the city. i should probably jump on that sleep train, i heard its headed for dreamtown. night everybody, i miss you guys but im having a great time.
bacci e abracci,
ian rabbit vens